Doraemon's Eyes

Saturday, August 21, 2010

I'll Still Grow Old

The sunday school ministry in my church in Perth had just finished their Revival Celeration today. The amazing part was, I was there. haha. (Can't imagine I'll be playing guitar for them).

Anyway, I could really felt the Lord's presence there as I was playing on the stage. Those innocent faces of the kids reminded me that I looked so old and so grown up.

I really wished that one day, I can be just like them, naive and unstressful.

One of the most memorable incident during the service was when the song "Kid's Prayer" by City Harvest Church came on.

Oh my, it really brought me to tears. It just jog my memory again that I should never forget that first love, when Jesus came to my heart for the first time. It was epic.

I'm no longer a kid now, and thus I can't grow up anymore. But I'll still grow old.

So to my Jesus who had given me big dreams, I'll grow old knowing You, I'll grow old serving You, and I'll grow old loving You.


William Lim

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