Doraemon's Eyes

Sunday, May 9, 2010

40 Days of Purity - Day 9

It's day 9 of the challenge; and frankly speaking it's getting harder. Days and hours are getting slower than they used to be when I wasn't in the challenge. Why does it feel like it's getting slower when people said "time flies"? Well, this is truly not in my case; because time is literally getting slower. It's like instead of driving in the 100 km/h zone, now it's driving in the 50 km/h zone.

I just can't believe that I'm only in day 9; because it feels like I'm in day 20 or something. I've been holding up for so long. I mean 9 days without porn and masturbation? That's truly is a personal achievement. And what's even more amazing is, I still want to hold on till the 41st day of the challenge (no joke).

Initially, I thought that this is only a test of purity; but as it turns out, this is a test of faith, loyalty, discipline, and of course, purity. What a nice little package for a 40 days challenge. Oh my, but let me tell you something, this is getting difficult. It's so hard I wanna whack my pen*s off.

The only problem is this thing called the internet and this God's creation called the brain. My brain has been telling my hand and my eyes to do what I did best 9 days ago.

If only I have a wife.... (sighhh)

William Lim


  1. As it is said in 1Corinthians–10:13, "No temptaion has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it."

    Don't fall into the same sin again after the 41st day. Anyway, when this challenge end, I believe you'll be purified, strengthened, and not be under the control of you flesh.

    Jiayou, bro!! :D

  2. Thank you Mon.

    I smiled when I read ur comment. :)
