Doraemon's Eyes

Friday, September 17, 2010

Negative Comments

I'm doing a final year thesis at the moment, and next week is the presentation day.

This thesis is about improving laboratory classes in East Timorese Universities, ultimately enhancing student's practical knowledge on water and sanitation in East Timor.

Nerveracking as it seems, I actually got everything under my belt, ready to speak about my undulating projects when all of a sudden I was swamped by negative comments - from my supervisors.

Can you believe that? My own project supervisors gave me stupid comments one month before the thesis' due date.

They told me that my thesis is too simple... And that I may not pass if I don't show the complexity of the project... I was like, "What the Hell???"

"What are you trying to say here?" I replied to them. And they said the project is too simple, and not up to the standard of an undergraduate...

That's a little bit mean to say...

This topic that I chose last year was put up by them, and now they told me this?

What a nice way to say that I would fail the final year project in advance...

After hearing those comments, I was in no mood in doing the thesis. What a waste of time...

I feel like quitting university now.. I hate engineering, there's no passion in me that wants to do engineering...

William Lim

PS: To my supervisors... "You're a perfect asshole".

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