Sunday, August 29, 2010
Recently Learned Lessons!/video/video.php?v=198400150523&ref=mf
That sounds pretty astounding to me given that I want to reach my dream as an award-winning filmmaker.
It's like giving me a warning that I am bound to fail anytime I'm pursuing my dream; but at the same time, it gave me hope that failing is not really a bad thing. In fact, it's a part of life.
As a matter of fact, people fails. It takes some fair bit of time and some pinch of risk for a dream to be achieved.
Even "Steven Spielberg" failed at one time. But that did not stop him from making movies. It encouraged him further to make one of the most horrifying films ever, "Jaws" (1975). And it was an enormous success.
Some people stop pursuing their dreams not because they're afraid of failing, but they're afraid of the risks involved in accomplishing their dreams.
Risk is the main component that is holding a dream back; it makes people think that they're bound to fail.
But truth be told, "no risk, no life." That was what I learned from another video.!/video/video.php?v=10150229732515261&ref=mf
After watching that video, it felt that God has answered me about doubts pertaining not only to my dream, but also my life.
I, myself, am afraid of taking risk sometime; let alone my big dream - to be an award-winning filmmaker. When I told my friends about my dream, they all laughed.
Of course they laughed, who wouldn't laughed? I'm studying as an engineer for God's sake, but I want to be a filmmaker. Where's the connection in that?
However, what these people don't understand is that, I have passion in filmmaking. And frankly enough, I don't have any passion for engineering. Not even a little bit.
Now, imagine that I'm about to drive a car.
Passion is the key that starts my engine. Without it, the car won't move at all.
Risk is the obstacle that is lying on the road. If I hit on an obstacle on the road, my car may be damaged. Hence, I fail. But those damages are lessons that I should never hit that obstacle again, and thus I will avoid it next time I drive. Without it, I won't learn a lesson at all.
From failing, I develop, wisdom.
Wisdom is my "GPS" that will keep me safe on the road without hitting any obstacle, and making sure that I will reach that destination safely. Without it, I'll be lost.
The destination is where my dream is. It's the place that I should go to achieved my dreams.
Passion, Risk, and Wisdom are a complete package to be used when dreams are being pursued. They are like the tour guide steering the dreamer to the right destination.
So these are the lessons that I recently learned. And I really hope that I'll stick to these recently learned lessons when I'm pursuing my dreams.
William Lim
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
My Passion
That passion is making films.
I can't stress this enough that my dream is to become an academy award winning director (filmmaker). And it has happen.
I live by faith, and thus I'll say that I'm an academy award winning filmmaker now. :D
All I need now is my action; because my actions completes my faith.
My dream is my vision, and whatever I'm doing now to reach that vision is my mission. hehe.. (too hard to digest ey?)
I just want to hail my father Jesus Christ for giving me this dream. It's big, and it's scary; and I'm frankly a little afraid of what it will turn out to be.
But it's going to be alright, because I am what I am. My dream will always be my dream; and it's my choice to chase it.. or to continue dreaming about it (without chasing it).
And I chose to chase it. It's been spoken. I'll chase my dreams, because dreams don't chase. It's meant to be pursued.
William Lim
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
100th Post!!
The most special day of the year for Fanny has finally arrived – her 10th year anniversary with Will.
“What more do all wives around the world want from their husbands other than love?” This was the question that was lingering in Fanny’s mind as she drove home from work. It was four o’clock in the evening, and Fanny hadn’t seen a single SMS from her husband, Will, in regards to this lovely day.
“I’m gonna kill him tonight…” Fanny thought to herself.
As she unloaded her purse and files from the car, she wondered if Will was home from work yet.
“I guess he isn’t; what lousy guy,” Fanny thought, as she walked right to her doorstep.
When she opened the door of her home, she was stunned. She saw the balloons; dozens and probably hundreds of helium balloons, floating around the living room ceilings and spreading through the dining room ceilings.
Most of the balloons were circular and were different colours, except for the one balloon floating right above the candles on the dining table. It was love-shaped and white in colour. At the bottom of the string were two envelopes attached: envelope one and envelope two.
Envelope one said, “Open me first!” And it read: “Go to the living room, and then switch on the Hi-Fi and press the “play” button on it; and then sit down on the couch and read envelope number two.”
Laughing and thrilled, Fanny did what it said and then pressed “play” on the Hi-Fi player. She was welcomed with “Always Be My Baby” by ‘David Cook’.
As the song serenaded her, Fanny smiled as the song brought wonderful memories of her and Will when they were dating. And then she opened envelope number two. It read:
“Congratulations! You have just won a dream date with a really romantic guy who loves you to pieces! Now, follow these instructions very carefully:
1) Take a long and nice bubble bath. Close your eyes and imagine how exciting it used to be when you were getting ready for your first date in high school.
2) Get dressed for a casual night out. You have to put on your best outfit for tonight; and remember, you can’t wear slippers or thongs! Must wear shoes! As you dressed, play the rest of the songs to get you in the mood.
3) Please catch a cab and leave the house by 6.30 pm, and head down to Esplanade Drive, right in front of the Esplanade Theatre. Proceed to the main entrance, and look for a suave and cool-looking guy with love in his eyes.
Remember; do not be late; because that guy doesn’t like to wait for a long time… But whatever it is, you’re in store for a wonderful and romantic evening. Now get going!
Yours Lovingly,
Fanny was overjoyed! She couldn’t wait for what was in store for her. She ran a hot bubble bath; used her best aroma therapy from ‘Body Shop’; and soaked in it until she felt completely relaxed and pampered.
In her wardrobe, she found a sleeveless white ‘Versace’ dress that she hasn’t worn for a long time; she was saving it for something really special. “This could be it,” she thought to herself. She added a ‘Levis‘ Jeans, a sweater, and her secretly-bought ‘Jimmy Choo’ Shoes. To top it off, she used a ‘Chanel No 5’ perfume and her best earrings and necklace.
“Wow… I look like an actress ready to walk on the red carpet,” she giggled to herself.
Half an hour later, Fanny was at the main entrance of the theatre. As she searched for Will, she felt butterflies in her stomach. She was really nervous and excited too; it was as if she was really looking for her blind date whom she never met before.
Suddenly, her heart was thumped; she saw Will, smiling as he walked towards her. “Oh My God… He looks so attractive,” she thought to herself. He was wearing a black ‘Lacoste’ Polo T-shirt, with jeans and sneakers; he looked just like he did when the two went for the very first date 15 years ago. He even spiked his hair!
“Hey Baby,” Will said, “You wanna hit the town with me tonight?”
“Yes…” giggled Fanny.
“How are you today baby? You look so beautiful tonight.” Will said
Fanny blushed. “Why am I blushing? This is my own husband!” She thought to herself.
“I’m good honey,” she smiled, “where are going?” She asked.
“Just come with me,” Will replied with a wide smile.
First, he took her to a ‘Peranakan’ Restaurant to eat the famous ‘fish curry’, which was her favourite, along with other ‘Peranakan’ foods. After that, they went in to Will’s car and headed to the cinema to watch a romantic comedy movie, “New York I Love You”.
As they were travelling, Will put a mixed-CD of their favourite romantic songs in the player to get the mood going.
At the end of the movie, Will asked Fanny, “Are you sleepy yet?”
“Of course not,” Fanny smiled.
Blatantly, Will took Fanny to ‘Pasir Ris Park’ to enjoy a late night drink at an alfresco pub located within the beach; while they were drinking, they saw the moon and stars right above in the sky, and heard the sound of the waves splashing as it brought gentle sea breeze to the night.
“It’s beautiful,” Fanny said.
“It is,” Will replied, “But you’re more beautiful than those things,” Will smiled. Fanny Blushed again.
“You know, you blushed a lot today,” giggled Will.
“I don’t know why,” Fanny replied as she tried to hide her blushes by covering her cheeks.
After that, instead of driving home, Will turned to the Expressway instead.
“Where are we going?” Fanny looked confused.
“You’ll see,” Will smiled slyly.
And then Fanny realized; he was taking her to ‘Mount Faber’.
At the top of the mountain, he found a perfect spot on a ridge to view the city’s skylights. As he turned on the player, he unwound the windows of the car and turned up the volume of the music player so that they could listen to it better.
“Let’s go,” Will said to her.
As they got off from the car, Will held Fanny’s hand and brought her to the edge of the guardrail, enjoying the soothing wind breeze of the night. And then, Will turned to Fanny and ran his fingers through her long and silky hair before embracing her left cheek gently.
“Fanny, you are the love of my life and the reason why I keep living,” Will said as the song “So Close” by ‘Jon Mclaughlin’ serenaded the couple.
“You’re irreplaceable, and I will love you until my last breath.” Will continued as he looked at her with a twinkle in his eyes.
“You’re irreplaceable to me too,” Fanny replied.
“And I’ll never stop loving you... forever,” she added as she threw her hands around his neck and kissed him passionately, before she fell into his waiting arms.
Ahh.. there you go... very romantic right?? hehe...
Happy 100th Frontal Writing!
William Lim
The Lost Ring
"Today is the day that Charlie will propose to Gina, his girlfriend of 3 years. During lunch time, he and two other friends (John and Lisa) join him to pick up the 2 carat diamond ring (with sapphires on each side of the diamond) from a jewellery shop.
It cost John S$13000 for that shiny sparkly ring.
Now John, is Charlie's best friend, and Lisa is Gina's best friend; both of them are going to be the best man and the bridesmaid respectively.
After picking up the ring, the three of them go for a late lunch in downtown CBD area, discussing about Charlie's and Gina's childhood. It's so interesting that time goes by two o'clock, and it's now 4 pm.
Gina finishes work at 7pm, and Charlie promises her casual dinner at Marina Bay Sand after that. So, Charlie has only about 4 hours before he proposes to Gina at a secluded beach near Punggol.
Anyhow, he has already plan the proposal a month before so he's at least prepared; it takes 20 people to help Charlie make his dream proposal comes true. John and Lisa thought it will be the most romantic proposal ever.
When Charlie reaches his home at 430 pm, he decides to take a quick look of the ring. Suddenly, he falls to his knees, with confusion and despair hunting him down in the middle of his room.
He Lost The Ring."
So.. Tell me.. How do I finish this story?
William Lim
Sunday, August 22, 2010
The Daunting News Program
Check out this news video that I made for the youth service in Perth. It's creepy and daunting. haha.
And it uses a found-footage technique where the video is presented as an edit of the recovered footage from the dead people. Shaky-camera work was used here; just like "The Blair Witch Project".
William Lim
Saturday, August 21, 2010
I'll Still Grow Old
Anyway, I could really felt the Lord's presence there as I was playing on the stage. Those innocent faces of the kids reminded me that I looked so old and so grown up.
I really wished that one day, I can be just like them, naive and unstressful.
One of the most memorable incident during the service was when the song "Kid's Prayer" by City Harvest Church came on.
Oh my, it really brought me to tears. It just jog my memory again that I should never forget that first love, when Jesus came to my heart for the first time. It was epic.
I'm no longer a kid now, and thus I can't grow up anymore. But I'll still grow old.
So to my Jesus who had given me big dreams, I'll grow old knowing You, I'll grow old serving You, and I'll grow old loving You.
William LimTuesday, August 17, 2010
Film Festivals
You know, my number one dream is to be an award winning filmmaker; and I can't think of better ways to get recognised other than submitting my film to film festivals around the world.
I'm not aiming for something like Venice film festival, or Cannes film festival, or Berlin film festivals yet. These are the "A" lists of film festivals that I will one day conquer.
But I'm talking about film festivals around our region. Like the Singapore Film Festivals, Bangkok Film Festivals, or even Pusan International Film Festivals.
In anycase, the Singapore Film Festivals will be a great festivals to start with. It acts like a platform for an unknown filmmaker like myself to get my film in front of a real live audience and have my film reviewed by professional critics.
So if my film can get accepted into a festival, or any festivals, I think me and my production team, including the casts of the film, would get valuable press attention and exposure to potential agents, buyers and distributors. And not to mention the prize money if we did win.
Therefore, to start things off, Jenita and I were discussing a film that we would co-wrote, she'll act and I'll direct it. The Singapore Film Festival is what we're aiming for.
Pray for this to happen please.. I don't want to work as an engineer.. It's not my passion.. I wanna be an academy award winning filmmaker.
William Lim
Monday, August 16, 2010
The 23rd Years
When I woke up on the 15th of Aug, there were 10 sms-es from families and friends written on my phone.
These weren't the usual sms that I usually read; rather these sms contained birthday wishes and stories about me. I was deeply touched and genuinely blissful because of these messages.
However, it didn't stop there. Throughout the day, I constantly received emails without knowing it. I don't have time to check them because of a fellowship meeting that I've had to attend.
When it was around 5pm, I borrowed my friend's "iPad" to check my email; there were 35 emails from facebook. I was strucked in my heart when I saw that.
And then came the birthday cake. It was chocolate and it was lovely. A birthday tune that was brilliantly, yet chaoticly sung, strucked my heart again. It's not because of the songs or the cake. But because of their honesty and sincerity to my 23rd years living on earth. I thought it was celebrated in style.
The first cake... I gave it to my favourite person in that house. I can't say names now. But I hoped that would made that person happy.
When I got home, I was greeted by housemate with a pleasant tune; "happy birthday William". It's so weird though, why can't she do this all the time when I get home? hehe.
Finally, I got to my computers, and checked the emails. I've got 86 messages in total..
"Wow", I thought to myself. This was so out of the ordinary. My friends remembered my birthday. Their comments on facebook were so adorable. I almost cried when I read them. I even had a couple of people I barely knew wishing me happy birthday.
This was epic, and oh, so impressive.
Looking back on my life. I think the road to the 23rd years were blatantly a conundrum. Everyday was a challenge and a journey to win that prize that God has prepared for me.
Therefore, I'm just so grateful that God has given me chances over and over again all these years. I do hope that my wish can come true in the near future though. I only wish for one wish. Only one... So I really hope that it would come true.
Anyway.. I want to thank all those who had wished me and celebrated my 23rd years of living on earth. You're all so lovely... Thank you my Lord... You can have me..
Let's move forward now.
William Lim
Friday, August 13, 2010
My Future Wife - Updated
"My Future Wife:
1) Have never been involved in a relationship (because I haven't too)
2) Not Demanding
3) Everything lower than me - or at least the same (height, age, weight, etc.)
4) Open Hearted (not a boring person please...)
5) Romantic (I love this!)
6) Wonderful lady-like hands (slim and pointy)
7) Reasonable boobs size ('C' cup is the best!)"
Well here's an updated version of these criterias.
My Future Wife:
1) Romantic (because I'm romantic too)
2) Not Demanding
3) Very Sensitive and Emotional
4) Everything lower than me - or at least the same (height, age, weight, etc.)
5) Open Hearted (not a boring person please...)
6) Wonderful lady-like hands (slim and pointy)
7) Reasonable boobs size ('C' cup is the best!)"
So there you are..
I pray that I will find this person soon... Amen!
William Lim
The Five of Us
I'm talking about mum, dad, bro, sis and myself - the family.
Its been so long since we sit at a table together. Very long indeed. I think the last time was when I was in Secondary 4 that we had dinner together.
The reason for not being together is not only due to miles.. But also continents. I'm in Australia, my sister in North America, and my parents and brother in Asia.
Can anyone believe this? We're living in 3 different continents of the world.
Surely there must be an easier way for this work out. For instance, if the four of us visit my sister in the states. Then that would be a family reunion isn't it?
But hey, the cost of 4 tickets to the states is almost my 4 months salary combine. Who would buy that? It's a little bit ridonculous.
Other than buying tickets, all we can do is wait till time has surrender to us, where we will have dinner together again, the five of us.
"There's a time for everything", said the wisest man on Earth (King Solomon).
So let it be. I'll wait, my brother will wait, my sister will wait, and my parents will wait too.
Till we meet again family...
William Lim
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Words for Mum
She went on and on describing how she felt when she saw my brother's sms, and I just listened to her so intently that my right ear almost went numb.
I hoped that it would lit a smile on her face a little after she took off that burden and put it in to me instead. hehe
Anyway, after the phone call, I decided to cheer her up a little more. Thus I sent her an encouraging sms. It goes like this:
"Mum, I think you're a very special human being. You're a super mum filled with extraordinary love and faith.
Therefore, on behalf of Ivana (my sister) and Mik (my brother), I just want to say that we love you and adore you so much; we cannot live without you because we still need your love and guidance.
So we want to make you happy, we want to see you grow old with dad, and we are looking forward to look after you in the future.
I'm sad for the rest of the world that God made just one of you. Because truly, you're an amazing mother."
What do you think of that?
Hopefully my mum feels better when she saw that.
William Lim
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Thinking Hard
Since it's the 100th post, it has got to be an awesome post, but still needs to demonstrate simplicity in its content where readers will be able to relate it to their lives.
So, any ideas, suggestions, and requests that you would like to offer?
Please help... :)
William Lim
Monday, August 9, 2010
Love Never Fails
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Where I Belong

The town, the cars, the food, the hang-out places, the night life; and so much more.
Thanks for providing me with the best knowledge of the world; because frankly, I really don't know what would happen if I had spent my childhood in Indonesia.
Another thing, this was the song that I learnt in Secondary 1. Till now, I still feel that this's still the best song for your independence day (birthday).
Anyway, I love everything about you.
The glorious greeneries, the bright lights at night, the jam-pack roads and expressways, the stressful jobs, and the everyday experiences from that rose from your heart are keeping me awake all this night just to remind me that this is where I belong...
Happy 45th once again!
William Lim
7 Basic Needs of a Husband
(Btw, I lost the "7 basic things a wife needs" note... arrgh... Sorry ladies.)
Anyway, here we go.
7 Basics Things a Husband Needs:
1) A man needs a wife who's loyal and supportive
2) A man needs a wife who honors his leadership
3) A man needs a wife who develops inward and outward beauty
4) A man needs a wife who will make appeals instead of demands
5) A man needs a wife who understand his need for time alone with God
6) A man needs a wife who is grateful
7) A man needs a wife who will be praised by others
William Lim
"Lebay" Video
OK, here's a very very very "Lebay" video clip that I made for an event in Perth.
It's inpired by a thai beer commercial, "Cheers" Beer....
William Lim
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Director's Note: Helping Jesus Aftermath
The drama, the suspense, the hilarity, the atmosphere; and the excitement. It had everything you could possibly wish for from a youth service. And I got to admit - What a night!!
First; let me start by saying "Happy birthday" to H2O for its 5th anniversary. This was truly amazing. I've never celebrated an anniversary with a church before, and the best part is, I got to be a part of it...... "family" if I may.
I saw that every tasks and acts that night were perfomed superbly and collectively. They represented an almost perfect snapshot of what real youth is like - creative, imaginative, dynamic, funny, eccentric, and also patriotic (the oilympic video ads - H2O version). haha.
So I just want to say thank you for the chance of ministering in a small but very humble church. It makes your church so big!
Second; when the congregation saw the film "Helping Jesus" for the first time, I was busy beaming with pride. Because this was the first time that I saw a movie of my creation with the casts, crews and the congregation together. If you must know, this is my third film; I've done 2 films before, and I missed all their premiere screening because I had to go back to Perth.
But now, I got a feel of what its like to sit with the audience and enjoy a movie from my own creation. It's like watching my own daughter dance at her first Christmas Party in her school; very proud to be a dad indeed.
Anyway, I enjoyed every laughter, every "Prikitiew" moment; and above all, I enjoyed the company with one of the best casts and crews in Western Australia.
I struggled through the film with bleary eyes, because I thought it was a comedy film, but turned out, it was a lugubrious one; Iman's musics were almost as comforting as a warm blanket to the congregation who's watching the film, they made us sat in a tranquil zone with perfect peace and ease. (thanks for that Man!)
Third; I can't just say "thanks" to the people who had contributed to this film. From our star actor, Hendra Wijaya (Hawe), to Reynald's house. I seriously valued every little help from even the smallest things like permission to shoot in Ken's room; and Yanita's room.
Every scenes that were recorded with smiles and fatigues had became my precious memories, and will always be kept close to my heart. Thus, I can't described what you had done; words had failed me. It was one of the most stunning things I've witnessed in a long time.
Thank you... :)
Finally; I bumped into Ci Monique after the anniversary, and I vividly remembered that she told me, "Well Done". I just smiled, like this - :D ...
Therefore, on that note, I'd like to say you guys (with a pat on the back), "Well Done". Not medium rare; nor medium well done, neither overcook. But Well Done!! (applause) ... Yay!
Alright then... That's all I want to say...
Up next, Tong Cafe Promotional video... No rest for the wicked.
Hmmm... Should I treat you guys dinner?? Ohhh, I forgot, there's a creArtive fellowship next sunday. hahaha... ga jadi, ga jadi, ga jadi... :P
William Lim
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Crushed Heart
Sure enough, their response were overwhelming. Our song were critically acclaimed by them.
Anyway, since it was so awesome, we decided to upload a video of us singing it to facebook (with permission of course). We sang the song like two blind men trying to search for the stick that has fallen on the ground. In other words, we acted horribly insane that night.
Still, everything went well. I uploaded on Tuesday night; and then the following morning I got an early sms from one of the committee members of the event. I almost went numb when I saw the sms.
"Committee: Will, since this is a professional event, I think the your video is inappropriate for public viewing. Is it worth the effort to remove it?"
"Another Committee: Will, can u do something about your video? Because this event represents the church, so we have to be more careful next time. ok?"
Oh my, upon hearing that, my heart crushed; because I thought it was a great and superb and epicly done clips, and I was expecting some praises from them. However, the committees thought otherwise. I almost got "frightened" yesterday. Even more frightened than watching "Shutter".
Wow... what a day.
Consequently, I decided to remove the video from facebook.
Lesson learned: Don't act stupid and insane when making a video about an event.
William Lim
Monday, August 2, 2010
Caucasian Girlfriend
I want to try and date a caucasian lady; then make her my girlfriend.. hehe.
One of my friends here said that it's every asian guy's dream to have a caucasian girlfriend. Funny little thing isn't it? But it's definitely not my dream; although I'd like to try it.
However, Master Yoda (from Star Wars) had an infamous quote about "trying". It goes like this,"Do or do not; there's no try."
Upon hearing that sentence, I always want to say yes to anything. Because when you try, you tend not to do it whole-heartedly, and thus you may lose the battle. So it either a firm yes, or a firm no. And I choose to say yes!
But the thing is, I don't know how to approach her. I mean, how does a caucasian dating regime goes?
Is it the same like the asian style of dating where the guy will say,"Will you be my girlfriend?" Or does it starts with a kiss on the lips, and then we are officially in a relationship, just like what Hollywood movies had taught us all? Because let me tell you, the Hollywood style is a lot more easier to get a caucasian chick. ;)
But then again, I'm still not sure.
I don't want to get rejected again.. :(
Nevertheless, before I leave Perth for good, I really want to do this. Where can you find a whole lot of caucasians in Singapore?
To add to then fun, my university (UWA), has a lot of pretty looking girls. :D
Oh imagine the view everytime I go to the univeristy. haha.
William Lim