Doraemon's Eyes

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Falling Behind

There is this current project that I was supposed to submit at the end of the semester - 28th of May. But with the current pace of my team, it looks like we are being halt to a sudden stop. Because literally, we are not making any progress.

We're falling behind. And I think, it's not only my group that's falling behind, but the rest of the class too. This particular subject is really disorganised, nobody knows what's happening with this subject's coordinator; even the lecturers are not interested to teach.

So, what the hell is happening here?!

This is the one thing that I hate about project - not knowing what to do. My team is having difficulties of understanding what the project requires us to do. Although information has been given, it's still not clear because simply, we don't understand what the heck is happening with that subject.

And to make matters worse, we only have 9 days left to complete it. Oh no!

Anyone knows how to use MIKE 21 FM??

William Lim


  1. Har!
    At least for you case, the whole class is falling behind. I'm falling behind the whole class. It seems that I'm the only one who is still not sure about the whole campaign. Don't even know where I'm leading to :(
    And I also "don't understand what the heck is happening with that subject."

  2. haha, we're in the same boat then.
