Doraemon's Eyes

Monday, May 31, 2010

Refreshingly Funny

You Know what, I'm sooo honoured and also excited now.
I just read Ci bombie's blog (May 31st) and she said that my blog is "refreshingly funny".

And I felt that my heart was flying off to Jeju Island and running in the fields of yellow meadows upon reading that. :D (happy)

To be honest, I was nervous as my oral exam is just another 10 minutes away. And then I read her blog. And seriously, that nervousness was turned to joy! It's like turning a new leaf. Did you see how a simple praised can be so impactful to another person?

She said that she felt like "swimming in my mind". Well, my question to her is this, which swimming style are you going to do? Freestyle? butterfly? or breast stroke? .... It doesn't matter, they're all lovely!

Ok gotta run. Oral exam in 2 minutes.

PS: Ci bombie, I'm also a fan of our blogmedy (Blog-comedy)! Keep writing too..

William Lim


  1. How come still got oral?? How did it go? :D

  2. Yeah. it's 25% of the whole unit. I did well. haha. Amen!
